What's happening to our Horse Chestnuts?

You may have noticed that some of the Horse Chestnut trees around Malvern went brown very early this year.  This is due to a pest called the Horse Chestnut Leaf Miner.

The larvae of the moth Cameraria ohridella mine within the leaf of the tree and cause it to brown and shrivel early in the year.  Although this damage affects the appearance of the tree and may have a small effect on the number of conkers the tree produces, the pest does not impair the overall health of the tree.

The was first recorded in the UK in 2002 and has since spread across the whole of England and as far north as Scotland. Due to the high mobility of this species and the speed and distance of its spread there are no effective methods of control.

As part of our tree safety programme we will continue to monitor the health of all roadside trees and trees near to properties under our jurisdiction.  If any trees are identified to have defects or diseases which could lead to tree fall, work will be done to minimise the risk.

More information on how we manage trees in around Malvern can be found in our Suburban Tree Management Policies.

Suburban Tree Management Policies (PDF)

Forestry Commission - Horse Chestnut Leaf Miner