Eleven of the members are elected directly by the electorate in the parishes and wards that pay the precept. 17 are nominated by local authorities and one is nominated by the Church Commissioners
The Board meets at least five times a year, to consider the reports presented by its committees and officers and to set policies and strategic aims of the organisation. All meeting dates, agendas, papers and minutes can be found in ourevents calendar. Minutes from previous meetings can also be viewed in our archive. Meeting minutes are signed off at Board meetings and copies of these can be viewed in the archive. Minutes from previous meetings that are yet to be signed off (draft) can be found in the previous meeting links below.
Board Meetings
All the Committee and Board meetings are open to the public, except where personnel matters or commercially sensitive matters are to be discussed or where legal professional privilege applies.
All the Committee and Board meetings are open to the public, except where personnel matters or commercially sensitive matters are to be discussed or where legal professional privilege applies.
Committee and Board meetings are held face-to-face; however:
The number of people able to be present at each venue may be restricted and limited numbers of places will be available for members of the public. Anyone wishing to attend is advised to apply in writingto info@malvernhills.org.ukor write to the Secretary of the Board at the Trust’s office. If a place is available you will be sent confirmation.
Places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. Once the venue is at capacity we will no longer be able to admit people and turning up to meetings without pre-booking means that you risk being excluded.
Members of the public wishing to make a comment at the start of the meeting may submit a short statement to be read out at the meeting (which will take no longer than three minutes to read). This must be received at the Trust's office no later than 12 noon, one clear day before the meeting (e.g. for a meeting on a Thursday evening, by 12 noon on Tuesday). If you wish to make a comment, but are unable to be present at the meeting, you may nominate another member of the public to read the statement on your behalf; the nominee may not be a member of the MHT Board or staff.
For a committee meeting, the statement must be relevant to a matter on the agenda for the meeting.
Statements submitted will be posted on the Trust’s website (where possible) and circulated to trustees in advance of the meeting. The Trust reserves the right not to publish or read out any statements that contain information that may be defamatory or are otherwise in breach the law.
Annual meeting for approval of the Trust's accounts and appointment of auditors
There is a meeting each year at which our accounts are publicly presented and approved and auditors are appointed. The accounts for the year ending the 31st March 2024 were approved at the Annual Meeting of the Board on 14 November 2024. Following this, the accounts are lodged with the Charity Commission. Previous year's accounts are available to view below.
All meeting dates, agendas, papers and minutes can be found in ourevents calendar. Adopted minutes from previous meetings can also be viewed in our archive. Meeting minutes are signed off at Board meetings therefore minutes from the most recent meeting will be available in draft only.
Land Management Committee
This committee makes recommendations to the Board in relation to:
The Land Management Plan
The land management budget
Policies in relation to management of MHT land
Non routine decisions on wayleaves, licences and easements
Maintenance and replacement of land management vehicles and equipment
This committee makes recommendations to the Board in relation to:
The budget, Levy and Annual Report and Accounts
Reports on financial matters
The effectiveness of financial controls
Reserves policy
The Business Plan
Enforcement of byelaws
This committee also has the authority to approve contracts for budgeted expenditure between £10,000 and £20,000 and approve non-budget expenditure limited to a maximum of £20,000 in any financial year.
The Disciplinary Committee will meet only when required to implement the process set out in the Disciplinary Procedure to investigate and adjudicate any complaint about trustee conduct.
Expert advice and Panels
Recreation Advisory Panel - This Panel meets twice a year to discuss work and projects which may affect users and visitors to the Hills. Representatives from different recreation user groups including cyclists, walkers, joggers and hang gliders meet to advise the Trust.
Wildlife Panel - The Panel is made up of wildlife and species experts and is an opportunity for the Trust to review the records of species and habitats which could inform future management of the Hills and Commons.
Reports from these meetings are available on request.
Other Organisations
We actively engage with with other local organisations and groups to find ways in which we can work together to care for the Hills and Commons.
Castlemorton Commons Coordinating Committee (4Cs) - The Castlemorton Commons Coordinating Committee or 4Cs was set up to to provide a forum for discussion about the management of Castlemorton, Hollybed and Coombe Green Commons.
Malvern Hills National Landscape - The main ridgeline of the Malvern Hills and Commons fall within the Malvern Hills National Landscape. This designation signifies that the natural beauty of this area is of national importance. As such, a partnership of local and national interests works together to conserve and enhance the area through the implementation of a five year Management Plan.
Visit the Malverns - Official tourist information website with more information about visiting the Malvern Hills, food, accommodation and other attractions in the area.
Natural England - Are the government’s adviser for the natural environment in England, helping to protect England’s nature and landscapes for people to enjoy and for the services they provide. NE also advise us on the management of Sites of Special Scientific Interest on the Malvern Hills and Commons.
Historic England - Are the public body that looks after England's historic environment. They champion and protect historic places, helping people understand, value and care for them. HE advise us on the management of the Scheduled Monuments on the Malvern Hills and Commons.