Donations and Legacies

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As a charity, support for our work is vital to help protect and care for the Malvern Hills and Commons for future generations.  

Whether large or small, a gift to us can help support our projects to look after this important landscape.

You can make a donation online at Just Giving, send us a cheque or you can make a donation over the phone.

Make a donation at Just Giving

Making a difference

Your kind donation will go directly towards conserving the Hills and Commons for people and wildlife.

Donations are a crucial part of our income and help us to undertake a variety of projects including, improve access for local people and visitors on the Hills and Commons or conserve habitats for butterflies

You can make a one off donation or make monthly contributions to help keep the Hills and Commons special for future generations.

Make a donation at Just Giving

How you can help

If you'd like to make a contribution to a specific project, please take a look at the information below on what we're asking for support for at this time.
More projects will be added to this list in the future as they develop.

Ash Dieback – responding to a national crisis

Ash Dieback disease is here and devastating our ash trees. We need your support to deal with the significant impacts of Ash Dieback disease across the Malvern Hills and Commons.  The disease is expected to result in the loss of 60 – 80% of all ash in the UK and badly infected trees near to roads and highways around the Trust’s estate will need to be removed for public safety.  The stark effects on this landscape, its ecology and character will be considerable and the financial impact to the Trust will be huge – this  is why we need your help - Read more about our ash dieback response and please donate.

Providing information for visitors

Support our work to help visitors orientate themselves, plan walks and find out more what makes the Hills and Commons so special.
Support our work - Providing information for visitors (Word doc)
Support our work - Providing information for visitors (PDF)

Memorial benches

Applications for a memorial or celebration bench opened at 11am on 13th November 2024 and have now closed.  Each year a small number of opportunities for memorial benches are provided for the Hills and Commons.  Due to the large number of requests, we are sorry that we cannot fulfil every request received.  Applications for a new scheme are expected to open in 2025.

If you are interested in other ways to support our work in celebration or memory of someone, please get in touch

Memorials and giving policy

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Leaving a legacy

Gifts left to the Malvern Hills Trust in Wills are an important part of our income and help us to care for the Malvern Hills for future generations.

Whether your gift is large or small, here are some examples of how your legacy may be used:

  • purchase a set of new tools for one of our volunteers
  • pollard a veteran black poplar tree
  • repair part of ancient archaeological sites such as British Camp or the Shire Ditch
  • conserve one hectare of open common or restore views
  • restore a section of easier access path

If you are considering leaving a legacy to the Malvern Hills Trust, please read the below leaflet for more information.

Leaving a Legacy

If you have further questions, please call the office on 01684 892002.

Remembering loved ones

The Hills are an important place for many to remember their loved ones.  If you choose to scatter the ashes of a loved one on the Hills, we ask that you avoid the most popular areas and the tops of the Hills.  Please scatter the ashes over a wide area to leave no trace.

Please do not leave any flowers, trinkets, photographs or any other objects on the Hills to mark the site.