The recent snow has attracted visitors from further afield to the Malvern Hills and Commons.
With more snow forecast over the weekend, we'd like to strongly encourage people to follow lockdown restrictions and Government Advice to 'Stay home, protect the NHS, save lives.' Before travelling, please consider whether your journey to the Malverns is essential and exercise locally wherever you can. By doing this, you'll be helping to keep you, your family and our local community safe.
We understand that this is an extremely difficult time and the snow has brought some light relief but we encourage you to enjoy it from your gardens or on your local walk, run or cycle. If you are using the Hills for exercise, please be aware that compacted snow and ice can make the Hill paths very slippery and we ask people to take extra care.
The Hills and Commons will still be here when this is all over and we look forward to welcoming you back when the time is right.