Signs of spring are beginning to appear with colourful blooms, singing birds and trees starting to come into leaf. In the working landscape of the Malvern Hills and Commons you may also see some lambs.
Cattle and sheep graze the Hills and Commons all year round and the new lambs are still getting used to the world. To lambs, the dangers posed by of vehicles are unfamiliar. If you're travelling across the Castlemorton and Hollybed Commons please slow down and take extra care. Signs will shortly be going up around the Commons to remind drivers of the presence of lambs.
It's also important to keep your pet on a lead near livestock if walking your dog. Livestock worrying, which includes chasing, is a criminal offence and you may face a fine or, in serious cases, dogs may be destroyed. Sheep and lambs may not always be seen when you first leave your car and you may come across them unexpectedly. Please keep your dog under close control at all times and on a lead near cattle and sheep to avoid any chance of an incident.
You can check the locations of grazing animals within the Trust's grazing projects in our weekly Stockwatch but don't forget that you may find cattle and sheep grazing freely on Common Land.
By following this advice, you can enjoy your walk in the countryside and keep sheep and their lambs safe and happy.