Farewell... and Welcome!

After more than 11 years at the Trust, we are sadly saying goodbye to Beck as Community and Conservation Officer.  Beck has been a key part of the team focussing on engaging with the local community and visitors, alongside conservation management.  Leading on visitor campaigns, communication, and events, Beck has increased and improved the ways in which the charity has informed and enlightened the public about its important work. This departure marks a big change as Beck will be leaving work to take up a long-term cycle touring adventure.

Beck: “It has been a huge pleasure to work as part of the team caring for the Malvern Hills and Commons and I will miss the people and the area immensely.  Having grown up with the Hills as the backdrop, I am honoured to have been part of the history of the conservation of this amazing place.  Thank you to all those who I have worked with over the many years and I look forward to reuniting with the Malverns again, sometime in the future.”

We are wishing her all the best for her next exciting chapter, and thanking her for all of the incredible work she has done over the years.

So no pressure then...!

Taking up the reins in her place, and hoping to carry on the great work to date, Marie has started in post as the new CCO. As she will be delivering the existing portfolio as well as a range of new and exciting projects, Marie hopes to bring her passion for conservation and engagement to this role. She will also be writing content for the website and the other regular communication channels - so do keep an eye out for future blogs! 

Having worked for a variety of conservation charities and academic research institutes in the UK and abroad, Marie has gained skills and knowledge of landscape scale restoration and national species recovery programmes. She has been hoping to find opportunities to return to more familiar haunts, however, and she is delighted to now be working for MHT near to where she grew up. 

So we're saying farewell to Beck and welcome to Marie, and we wish them both the very best on their respective journeys!