The Malvern Hills Trust is joining in the celebration of Landscapes for Life Week with the Malvern Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
From the 21st – 29th September, Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty across the UK will be organising special events during Landscapes for Life week, but this year is special for two reasons; AONBs nationally are celebrating the 70th anniversary of the 1949 National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act which paved the way for creating the UK’s 46 Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty. And more locally the Malvern Hills AONB is celebrating its 60th year as a designated landscape.
A large majority, 85%, of the land under the care of the Malvern Hills Trust lies within the AONB. Working in partnership, a number of the Trust’s projects to conserve wildlife, archaeology and improve visitor experiences on the Malvern Hills have been part-funded by the AONB’s Sustainable Development Fund.
Beck Baker, Community and Conservation Officer, said “The value of these designated landscapes cannot be overstated and we are proud to work with the organisation championing the important cultural heritage, wildlife, and public open spaces this landscape has to offer.
“Our work to conserve the important features and special qualities of the Hills have been supported by the AONB Partnership and we would like to say thank you.”
Projects in partnership with the AONB include a Citizen Science survey to identify feeding and commuting routes for the rare Lesser Horseshoe bat, geophysical surveys of the Scheduled Monument of British Camp and the publication of our free walking and cycling map and guide.
More information on the activities taking place during Landscapes for Life week can be found here.